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● Pay attention to the license. This is a mandatory factor that cannot be ignored. A license is not only about taxes but also about personal safety.
● Check the casino’s reputation. Find out what players write about this establishment. For example, pay attention to reviews.
● Game library. The website should have a large selection of games. Usually, their number exceeds 1000-2000.
● Technical support. The resource should offer fast and high-quality customer support. It can be an e-mail, a live chat messenger, or a phone call.
● Loyalty program and bonuses. Well-known portals offer an extensive loyalty program that allows you to receive bonuses. For example, many casinos offer cashback on the lost amount or bonuses for registration.
● Payment systems. This is a very important factor when it comes to withdrawals.
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There are also criteria that are not important for all users. Nevertheless, they are still worthy of attention. Therefore, it will be appropriate to find out what else you can pay attention to.
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● Mobile application. Not all sites offer it at the moment, but it will be more convenient for many players.
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● Sports betting. In online casinos, bets are not required at all. Although, for some people, it can be a significant advantage.
● Interface. It is better to look for another virtual establishment if a certain place does not have a user-friendly interface.
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