Funny Story In Hindi. Funny Kahani.

हरियाणा वाले से दोस्ती । Funny Kahani । Funny Story In Hindi

Funny Story In Hindi – हरियाणा वाले से दोस्ती

एक बार की बात है यूपी के दो लड़के अपने परिवार वालों की प्रताड़ना के कारण घर छोड़कर भाग जाते हैं। प्रतिदिन के ताने सुन – सुन वे बोर हो चुके थे फिर उन्होंने इस समस्या से निदान पाने के लिए घर छोड़कर भागने का रास्ता सोच। रात का समय था। वे रेलवे स्टेशन पर पहुंचे वहां कोई नहीं था केवल एक लड़का वहां बैठा था जो खुद भी अपने घरवालों से तंग आकर अपना घर छोड़ भाग आया था। वह दोनों भी उसी के साथ जाकर बैठ गए एक दूसरे से बातें करने के बाद उन्हें पता लगा कि वह लड़का भी अपना घर छोड़कर हरियाणा से भाग आया है।

अब तीनों एक ही कश्ती पर सवार थे। घर से भाग तो आए थे लेकिन किसी के पास रात गुजारने और खाना खाने के लिए पैसे नहीं थे। तीनों ने भूखे – प्यासे कैसे ना कैसे रात गुजारी। सुबह होते ही वे खाने के लिए लोगों के घर – घर जाकर मदद मांगने लगे लेकिन हर कोई उन्हें यह कहकर भगा देता कि इतने हट्टे – कट्टे हो फिर भी कमा कर नहीं खा सकते जो भिख मांगने आ गए। उन्होंने कई घरों के दरवाजे खटखटाएं लेकिन सभी का यही जवाब था।

यूपी वाले लड़कों में से एक को आईडिया आया, उसने कहां, हमें कोई भी ऐसे खाना नहीं देगा इसके लिए एक योजना बनानी होगी। बाकी दोनों ने पूछा क्या योजना है? उसने कहां, हमें लोगों को राजी करने के लिए कोई उद्धरण बनाना होगा, जिसकी अंतिम कड़ी एक – दूसरे से मिलती हो। उन्होंने कहा समझ गए।अब वे दोबारा किसी के घर चले गए।

पहला बोला- कुछ भिक्षा घाल माई….
दूसरा बोला- तेरे जियो भतीजे – भाई….
हरियाणा वाला खामोश खड़ा रहा कुछ नहीं बोला।

अंदर से एक औरत आई और उसने उन्हें भगा दिया। दोनों यूपी वाले लड़के हरियाणा वाले पर बहुत गुस्सा हुए। उन्होंने कहां, “यार तू तो कुछ बोलता ही नहीं है, ऐसे कौन खाना देगा? हरियाणा वाला बोला चलो ठीक है अब मैंने भी एक कड़ी बना ली चलो दूसरे घर चलो। तीनों दूसरे घर जाकर खड़े हो गए।

पहला बोला- कुछ भिक्षा घाल माई….
दूसरा बोला- तेरे जियो भतीजे – भाई…..
हरियाणा वाला बोला- बाहर आकर देख खड़े तेरे तीन जमाई……

अंदर से एक बूढ़ा अपने हाथ में लाठी लेकर भागता हुआ आया। उसे देखते ही तीनों ऐसे भागे जैसे चूहा, बिल्ली को देख कर भागता है। दोनों यूपी वाले हरियाणा वालों पर बहुत गुस्सा हुए। उन्होंने कहां, “यार तुझे ऐसी बेतुकी बात अपने मुंह से निकालने की क्या जरूरत थी? हरियाणा वाला बोला, यार तुमने ही तो कहा था कड़ी से कड़ी मिलनी चाहिए मैंने मेरे दिमाग में यही कढ़ी बनी तो मैंने बोल दी, जभी तो मैं चुपचाप खड़ा था।

देखते देखते रात होने लगी थी अब उनके आगे एक और समस्या आ गई कि रात कहां गुजारे? वे एक घर के आगे जाकर खड़े हो गए तीनों को खड़ा देख एक आदमी घर से बाहर आया।

आदमी – हां बोलो क्या समस्या है?
एक लड़का बोला – जी क्या हमें रात गुजारने के लिए आपके घर में जगह मिल सकती है?
आदमी – नहीं भाई यह बहन – बेटियों का घर है।

वे तीनो वहां से चले गए। दूसरे घर पर गए वहां भी उनको यही जवाब मिला “यह बहन – बेटियों का घर है”। तीसरे घर गए वहां भी उन्हें वही जवाब मिला “बहन – बेटियों का घर है। अब वे दोनों यूपी वाले हरियाणा वाले पर दोबारा चिढ़ गए और बोले “यार तू तो कुछ बोलता ही नहीं है सारी मेहनत हम करें रात तू गुजारे। तूभी तो किसी से मदद मांग। हरियाणा वाला बोला ठीक है अब तुम कुछ मत बोलना अब मैं मदद मांग लूंगा। चलो ! फिर तीनों एक घर के आगे जाकर खड़े हो गए। घर में से एक आदमी बाहर आया।

आदमी – हां भाई क्यों खड़े हो यहां पर?
हरियाणा वाला – जी क्या यह बहन – बेटियों का घर है?
आदमी – हां क्या हुआ?
हरियाणा वाला – जी सच में यह बहन – बेटियों का घर है?

आदमी – अबे हां तुझे काम क्या है वह बता?
हरियाणा वाला – जी कुछ नहीं रात काटनी थी।

यह सुनते ही घर का मालिक उनके पीछे ऐसे भागा मानो हाथ में आ गया तो जान से ही मार देगा। वे तीनों भागते – भागते बहुत दूर पहुंच गए। अब दोनों यूपी वालों ने सोचा भाई इस हरियाणा वाले से पीछा छुड़वा लो सब ठीक हो जाएगा। दोनों हरियाणा वाले से पीछा छुड़वा कर भागने लगे लेकिन वह भी पक्का ढिट पीछे-पीछे हो लिया।

हरियाणा वाले से दोस्ती की कहानी आपको कैसी लगी कृपा कॉमेंट के माध्यम से जरूर बताए ।

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  46. Thanks for your submission. Another point is that to be a photographer consists of not only problems in taking award-winning photographs but hardships in getting the best digicam suited to your needs and most especially challenges in maintaining the standard of your camera. This can be very real and apparent for those professional photographers that are in to capturing a nature’s exciting scenes – the mountains, the forests, the wild or the seas. Visiting these adventurous places definitely requires a digicam that can meet the wild’s nasty areas.

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  51. I have observed that over the course of constructing a relationship with real estate owners, you’ll be able to come to understand that, in each and every real estate exchange, a payment is paid. Eventually, FSBO sellers really don’t “save” the commission. Rather, they try to win the commission by doing a good agent’s job. In this, they shell out their money and time to accomplish, as best they could, the obligations of an real estate agent. Those obligations include displaying the home by way of marketing, offering the home to prospective buyers, creating a sense of buyer urgency in order to prompt an offer, scheduling home inspections, taking on qualification inspections with the lender, supervising fixes, and aiding the closing.

  52. Thanks for revealing your ideas. Something is that learners have a choice between government student loan along with a private education loan where it truly is easier to select student loan debt consolidation than over the federal student loan.

  53. Thanks for sharing your ideas with this blog. Furthermore, a delusion regarding the financial institutions intentions when talking about property foreclosure is that the financial institution will not have my repayments. There is a specific amount of time the bank requires payments every now and then. If you are as well deep in the hole, they’re going to commonly demand that you pay the actual payment 100 . However, i am not saying that they will have any sort of payments at all. If you and the traditional bank can manage to work one thing out, the foreclosure method may end. However, in the event you continue to miss out on payments underneath the new strategy, the property foreclosure process can pick up where it was left off.

  54. Thanks for your write-up. I also think laptop computers are becoming more and more popular these days, and now are usually the only form of computer used in a household. It is because at the same time that they are becoming more and more affordable, their working power keeps growing to the point where they can be as potent as pc’s coming from just a few in years past.

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  95. Thanks for discussing your ideas on this blog. As well, a misconception regarding the banking institutions intentions when talking about foreclosure is that the loan company will not take my payments. There is a certain quantity of time the bank will require payments occasionally. If you are too deep within the hole, they will commonly demand that you pay the actual payment in whole. However, i am not saying that they will have any sort of payments at all. In the event you and the standard bank can be capable to work a thing out, this foreclosure procedure may end. However, if you continue to pass up payments within the new strategy, the property foreclosures process can pick up from where it was left off.

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  97. Thanks for sharing your ideas here. The other thing is that if a problem arises with a computer system motherboard, persons should not go ahead and take risk with repairing this themselves for if it is not done properly it can lead to permanent damage to the entire laptop. It’s usually safe to approach a dealer of any laptop for the repair of its motherboard. They’ve technicians with an skills in dealing with notebook motherboard challenges and can get the right diagnosis and execute repairs.

  98. Toller Ort, um Rolladen zu kaufen. Tag-Nacht mit Führern, bezeichnend Moskitonetze. Gute Verarbeitungsqualität, alles passt, heutzutage passiert nichts Schlimmes. Dazu eine große Auswahl an Materialien. Ich empfehle! Professioneller Service und Konsultation, ich habe die Dienstleistungen des Unternehmens (Rollläden) viele Male in Anspruch bestellt, sowohl für mich als auch zu gunsten von meine Familie, und es war dauernd alles perfekt.

  99. Thanks for your article on this weblog. From my personal experience, occasionally softening up a photograph might provide the photography with an amount of an artistic flare. Oftentimes however, that soft cloud isn’t what precisely you had planned and can sometimes spoil an otherwise good photograph, especially if you consider enlarging this.

  100. Thanks for this excellent article. One other thing is that many digital cameras can come equipped with any zoom lens that allows more or less of that scene for being included by simply ‘zooming’ in and out. These kind of changes in {focus|focusing|concentration|target|the a**** length usually are reflected inside viewfinder and on big display screen right at the back of the actual camera.

  101. One thing I would really like to say is car insurance cancellations is a dreadful experience and if you are doing the suitable things as a driver you simply won’t get one. Many people do are sent the notice that they are officially dropped by their particular insurance company they have to struggle to get additional insurance following a cancellation. Low-priced auto insurance rates usually are hard to get after a cancellation. Understanding the main reasons for auto insurance cancelling can help individuals prevent getting rid of in one of the most essential privileges obtainable. Thanks for the suggestions shared by means of your blog.

  102. Thanks a lot for the helpful content. It is also my belief that mesothelioma cancer has an extremely long latency time, which means that signs of the disease might not emerge right until 30 to 50 years after the initial exposure to asbestos fiber. Pleural mesothelioma, which can be the most common type and influences the area throughout the lungs, may cause shortness of breath, torso pains, along with a persistent coughing, which may lead to coughing up blood.

  103. I believe that avoiding ready-made foods would be the first step to help lose weight. They could taste beneficial, but processed foods currently have very little nutritional value, making you feed on more in order to have enough electricity to get through the day. Should you be constantly feeding on these foods, moving over to grain and other complex carbohydrates will make you to have more vigor while consuming less. Interesting blog post.

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  105. Thanks for your post. I would love to remark that the first thing you will need to conduct is determine if you really need credit restoration. To do that you will need to get your hands on a duplicate of your credit rating. That should not be difficult, considering that the government makes it necessary that you are allowed to have one totally free copy of your actual credit report on a yearly basis. You just have to request the right people today. You can either browse the website for that Federal Trade Commission or even contact one of the major credit agencies instantly.

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  111. Thanks for the helpful post. It is also my opinion that mesothelioma cancer has an particularly long latency phase, which means that symptoms of the disease won’t emerge until eventually 30 to 50 years after the 1st exposure to asbestos. Pleural mesothelioma, and that is the most common form and affects the area within the lungs, could potentially cause shortness of breath, breasts pains, as well as a persistent coughing, which may cause coughing up blood vessels.

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  117. One thing I’ve noticed is always that there are plenty of misconceptions regarding the banking institutions intentions any time talking about foreclosure. One fable in particular is that often the bank desires your house. The bank wants your money, not the home. They want the amount of money they gave you together with interest. Avoiding the bank will simply draw some sort of foreclosed realization. Thanks for your publication.

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